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Take a Break is what I do when I am very stressed. This is a place for me where I can write anything to help me express more what I feel and share it with you. I take a break and write! Take a break and read!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mineral Processing Plant

I am thinking of borrowing money to start this "small skill mining" business. My father calls it Mineral Processing Plant. This would cost $2000 to start but would make $600 a day when the operation starts. Since my father didn't know I am interested, they looked for another financer who could afford to start with this amount. I think it is not that much if u consider how much u are making. Since, he doesn't have money to start it , he suggested it to our neighbor who works as a captain of an international ship. If it works for them, I don't think they would want someone else to start the same business. Well, I hope I can try this one to at least make something a little bigger in this place I consider no progress.


  1. Are you sure? "Opportunities" that seem "too good to be true" often ARE too good to be true.

    I would very carefully and sceptically investigate the claims and assumptions behind this business before borrowing a substantial amount of money to get into it.

  2. Check this out!


  3. hello.. thanks for warning me. i do really appreciate it... yeah, i might just go for roasted chickens lol
