Meeting a Big Dipper/ Wolf y Absconditus ( inspiration -draft)
Current mood:
When I was just teaching online from my cave, I started writing online and posted nonsense blogs and considered it as I was talking to myself. Whatever emotions I feel , I wrote it. That was the reason of my old account with few friends. I started writing there, but I felt bored and it is useless coz some filipinos have been signing up facebook already and some of my friends too so, I had to always keep my profile private and blogs til I learned about myspace and enjoyed decorating my profile and make the draft of my blogs.
I was tired of working and making a little money so I thought of making money from writing. Later, I got tired coz it didnt work. 50 pesos per article lol and 1 article took ages to write for me. I cant make my blogsite nice and catching esp that I have no nice stories to write except sharing about what I learned from people online. I just stayed in my cave to teach which means I have nothing special going on each day. I didnt make money and just left it til I feel like writing again.
Writing makes me feel free to express myself. It comforts me in many ways. If I am in trouble, I just write it and after I feel OK esp.,it actually makes me feel sleepy after.
*********** A STORY TO TELL*****
Not too long ago, I met a young Big Dipper whom I consider very intellectual and full of big dreams just like my father. Despite of some offensive and annoying words sometimes, I do respect this person a lot.
Big dipper has something inside that is hard to explain. People judge this Big dipper for the way he wears clothes and talks. Long beard and long hair with torn t-shirts and shorts but nobody knows that he is the son of a man who used to be one of the 50 richest men in the US except my family. Sometimes, the Big dipper is being laughed and being underestimated by some people which annoys the Little Dipper. Some people just cant mind their own business. The Little Dipper is actually very small to defend the Big Dipper in case of trouble but can be the guiding path to stay away from troubles.
The little and the big dipper dreamed together of big things and slowly starting to fulfill each of their very opposite big dreams. Like children eating donuts on the streets, like high in drugs going crazy with big bottles of San Miguel beer and like a dog and a cat arguing all the time because of opposite principles and ideas yet the world was simple and crazy. They hate each other's charateristics and interests but still there is love for each of them.
There was an attempt to kill the Big Dipper and the only suspect was the Little Dipper which was proven wrong in the end but what has been destroyed couldn't be restored anymore.
I have diff experiences, emotion shifts, excitements, challenges, thrills and trying new and crazy things since then. I felt they were worth writing so it won't be just forgotten and thought that one day I can write a book about this or a best selling novel that might be a movie based on a true to life story. I know that it sounds crazy and a daydream but this is one of what I want to do and will really do when I have enough money and skills.
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